User manual


  1. How to contact you?
  2. Can I get the source code?
  3. How can I put class files in a different directory
  4. TreeApplet class not found!
  5. Netscape: TreeApplet class not found!
  6. ClassFormatError!
  7. How to add a link to my email in the TreeApplet menu?
  8. How to start TreeApplet in a separate pop-up window?
  9. How to install TreeApplet using frames?
1. How to contact you?
email to: robert
2. Can I get the source code?
No, sorry!
3. How can I put class files in a different directory?
you should use CODEBASE parameter inside the applet tags of the Html file
e.g.: <APPLET CODEBASE="classes" CODE="TreeApplet.class" WIDTH=280 HEIGHT=380>
4. TreeApplet class not found!
this could be due to your ftp program that converts filenames to lowercase
Note:Java classes are case sensitive
5. Netscape: TreeApplet class not found!
you need to add the CODEBASE parameter inside the applet tags of the Html file in that way:
e.g.: <APPLET CODEBASE="." CODE="TreeApplet.class" WIDTH=280 HEIGHT=380>
6. ClassFormatError!
at least one java class file is corrupted, class files may have been uploaded in ascii instead of binary
7.How to add a link to my email in the TreeApplet menu?
in the body section of the script file, add the following link:
e.g.: <LINK> Text="e-mail", UrlSource="myname@somewhere", UrlTarget="_self"
8.How to start TreeApplet in a separate pop-up window?
first add the following javascript in between the HEAD tags of your Html file

then, to call the pop-up window, add this link anywhere in between the BODY tags of your Html file:
9.How to install TreeApplet using frames?
Following is an example of settings with a left frame (TreeApplet) and a right frame. You will need three Html files (index.html, toc.html, and hello.html):

. This is the main file that will be called by web navigators.
. This file contains information about the 2 frame's names and the initial documents to be visualized
. eg:



<FRAME NAME="leftframe" SRC="toc.html">
<FRAME NAME="rightframe" SRC="hello.html">



. this is the frame that will be displayed on the right side of the browser's document


Hello Happy Taxpayers


. this frame will be displayed on the left side of the browser's document.
. this frame contains the TreeApplet command, and will display the tree interface.
. eg:


<APPLET CODE="TreeApplet.class" WIDTH="220" HEIGHT="380">

<PARAM NAME="Tree_ScriptFile" VALUE="script.txt">